A. Applicant must be a female high school student committed to or undergraduate currently enrolled in a full-time construction-related degree program at a school in the United States and must have a least one term remaining in a course of study leading to a degree or an associate degree in a construction-related field; or
B. Applicant must be a female currently enrolled in a construction-related training program which is approved by the Bureau of Apprenticeship Training, community college, technical school or equivalent; or
C. Applicant must be a female obtaining training in a construction-related craft or trade.
Applicant is responsible for ensuring that all items listed below are emailed to the Chapter and must be received by May 5th. Please attach in the order shown:
A. Completed and signed Application Form.
B. Course description, including location and cost.
C. Financial Need (one-page limit)
D. Extracurricular Activities listing (one-page limit).
E. Employment History listing (one-page limit).
F. Essay Questions (one-page limit).
A. Scholarships are not automatically renewed. Students will be considered for subsequent awards if they provide evidence of continued need, continued interest in construction, and continued enrollment and good standing in a in a construction-related field.
B. Applications will be reviewed, and winners selected by the NAWIC Greater Rochester Chapter #314 Scholarship Committee. They will consider applicant’s interest in construction, extracurricular activities, employment experience and financial need. All applicants will be notified of their status after the Awards Committee meeting no later than June 1st.
C. Applicants selected may be subject to a personal interview with a representative of the NAWIC Greater Rochester Chapter #314 Awards Committee or a member of NAWIC.
D. Proof of matriculation for the next school term, and other information as designated by the Chapter, must be received by July 15th.
E. Checks will be sent directly to the school no later than August preceding the school year.
All applications, with supporting material, will be sent to the [email protected] upon submittal.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Please attach the information regarding the course description, including program location, for which you will be attending.
FINANCIAL NEED: Attach (no more than one page) an explanation of why you should be considered.
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Attach (no more than one page) listing of activities, indicating offices held and purpose of organization. List chronologically, most recent first.
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Attach (no more than one page) listing of full or part-time employment, briefly explaining duties and responsibilities. List chronologically, most recent first. If part-time, indicate number of hours worked per week.
ESSAY QUESTIONS: Please confine your response to the following two questions to one page, total.
- What has been your most notable or impactful accomplishment up until now (educational, professional, or personal)? How has it shaped you as an individual, and how will you implement what you have gained from this experience into your career or continued education?
- What initially sparked your interest in the construction industry? What specific skills have you developed that will aide you in your education/career path? Please describe any professional or educational experiences in the construction field and how the experience has impacted you.
- To be considered, the Application and all attachments must be complete and received via email by May 5th for the next following academic year. THIS DEADLINE IS STRICTLY ENFORCED.
- Only students enrolled in a school in the United States will be considered for awards.